(Credit: Maevis Fahey '21)
One month ago, Montrose held its very first online Poetry Slam hosted by Jenn Uche ’22 and Maevis Fahey ’21. During the event, the community came together to listen to some well-written poems on the last day of National Poetry Month. It seems that several Montrosians have a secret talent. During the Slam, we watched a bunch of brilliant creatives recite original poems!
Here is an anthology– which marks the first works exhibited on the Walrus Section of the Looking Glass– of these remarkable poems that were read that afternoon.
In order of appearance:
Inspired by my past experiences
“Why are you so quiet?”
they ask
while I stand there
filled with
“Don’t worry. She’s gotten better.”
they say.
I don’t know
So what!
If I’m
So what!
If I like being
with a book!
Maybe I’m
because you
see me as
I am just
on the
7.8 Billion
Inspired the number of people in the world
There are around 7.8 Billion People on this planet.
That’s Eight zeroes!
You and I are
out of 7.8 Billion.
That’s like a dust particle on a golf ball
or even smaller!
But, just because you’re a dust particle
doesn’t mean you don’t matter.
Every single person on this planet
counts towards the 7.8 Billion.
Without you,
we wouldn’t be 7.8 Billion.
We would be 7.8 Billion minus One
and that
makes a huge difference
on 7.8 Billion.
So, we need you.
Every single one of you.
Just like a jigsaw puzzle
needs every single piece
to be completed.
moon child
Inspired by Henry baker’s “The Sunshine Kid”
The Moon child was a little
girl who was never shy.
She walked through her town
waving to her neighbors and yelling “hi.”
She ran through the streets
and played with her friends all day.
Then, the Earth girl showed up
and blocked her way.
The Moon child began
revolving around the Earth girl.
She did whatever the
Earth girl wanted with a sad twirl.
The Earth girl began controlling her
making her do this and that.
But, the Moon child did not
realize that she had become a doormat.
Then, the Sun kid showed up
and made the Earth girl revolve around him.
And, the Moon child felt alone
and her eyes filled with tears to the brim.
But, the Sun kid came back
and told the Moon child
that he had always watched
her and smiled
until the Earth girl
made her dimmer
and now he would
show her how to glimmer.
Finally, the Moon child felt free
as the Sun kid shined his light.
She once again
was bright.
KIM JONES (read by Ms Bakhita Thordorson)
Hello, New Day
Hello, you new day, you!
Full of disappointments,
For my own good
Like the much-anticipated package that didn’t arrive after all…
I wouldn’t have had the time to deal with it anyway
Full of happy endings,
That at first seemed like giving in
Like getting takeout for dinner…
When I felt I ought to have provided
Full of fruitful, frustrating, meaningful work
Like what I’d hoped was the “final draft,”
That was really far from it…
Made better for the edits,
As is always the maddeningly gratifying case
Full of dreams
Of how I can freely, fondly give myself away…
Saving nothing (as if I could)
Diligently doing triage with each child’s urgent request
Frequenting the well of patience that is never deep enough
Full of thanks
As the day, and my eyelids, draws to a close
Full with the good cheer of this Examen,
The last clumsy prayer of a long, hard day…
Offered with a smiling heart back to You,
Giver of eyes, heart, and new day itself
All I Need Is Pest Control
Apparently all I need
To get up on time
Brush my hair
And teeth
Make my bed
Sweep the floor
Do the laundry
Wipe the counters
And put on earrings
Is Pest Control
You see, not only are they essential
And of great service
These two gentlemen are
The first houseguests
We’ve had in almost two months
And their visit has generated much excitement
Children, adult and littles,
Are up by eight
Not usual for these quarantine times
Productivity is high
And smiles bright
As bait traps are checked
And holes are blocked
It’s not as if they are checking the sinks
The beds
The floors
Or the laundry
But I apologize for the mess in the hall
Just the same
In two weeks they will come and check again
I hope the critters are gone…
But I look forward to Pest Control’s return
What God Can Do with a Life
Looking at family photos
From ten-plus years ago
What a great job I was doing
Though surely I was critical then
It’s amazing
What God can do with a life
Reading Julianne’s ICU post
About losing yet another patient,
23 years young, to COVID-19
When this time the dam breaks
And she can no longer hold back
The emotion of a lifetime
It’s amazing
What God can do with a life
Thinking about the brightness
The darkness
Of this time, now
When all our life-giving efforts
Seem to yield only more deaths
But we keep showing up, striving
It’s amazing
What God can do with a life
Celebrating those
Whose will to live is so strong
They survive the virus
And leave the hospital
Victorious and humbled
Ready to make memories
To look back on in ten years’ time
It’s amazing
What God can do with a life
The Thunderstorm Army
The stomping rolled in first
Followed by the drummers
Who drummed on our roof
Who drummed on the creek
And left not a centimeter untouched.
Then, the muskets shot with bright light
Each time, a growl struck
Each time coming closer.
And then –
It was here –
A cannon shot a purple light
Then a rattling boom,
But then the army marched out,
The muskets went away,
The drummers lingered,
But finally
The army was gone.
In the field
Have you ever been
To a place where
There isn’t a tree
Around for miles?
Where you can see all the stars
In the night sky?
And where for miles and miles and miles
The only thing you see
Is Grass
Waving in the wind,
And dirt roads
That look as if
They run from coast to coast
Have you ever been?
Jenn Uche ’22, Opinions and Walrus Editor
Contact our wonderfully talented poets here:
Neha Sunkara ’21, 21nsunkara@montroseschool.org
Ms Thordarson, bthordarson@montroseschool.org
Mrs. Cahill Farella, mcahillfarella@montroseschool.org
Julia Luster ’26, 26jluster@montroseschool.org