Credit: Billie Weiss
Former Exec Student Government Secretary and Treasurer and rising Exec President and Vice President say goodbye to their valiant senior executive leaders after a year of resilient adapted traditions and Common Homerooms
It’s hard for the majority of the student body to recognize just how much behind-the-scenes work goes into every Stud Gov-run event. Our team this year has tackled even more: online Common Homerooms, semi-virtual classic traditions, and a culminating in-person Field Day. Each member of our team took 4-5 APs and had numerous other commitments, so getting all the work done was hard. So hard. During the times when we were so tired we could hardly function, it was tough not to wish for the end of the school year to come faster. But, when we sat together in our last meeting, we realized how much we wished the year didn’t have to end. Whether we were stressing about last minute CHR plans, or running around the school at 10:30 PM the night before Field Day, we had made memories that characterized our junior and senior years. Maevis Fahey ‘21 and Gabriella Bachiochi ‘21, we wanted to give you a much-deserved send-off and make sure everyone knows just how much work you did for our school this year.
Maevis, on the days when the rest of us feel burnt out, your energy makes up for our lack thereof. We have genuinely never seen someone get so hyped for Spirit Week, Field Day or a Tuesday morning. It shocks us how you can remain so lively while simultaneously running forty-six clubs, and actively participating in another fifteen. Your energy and good attitude is infectious. You make the rest of us excited to represent the school we all love. You are dedicated and passionate to all initiatives put forward, eloquent in every proposal you write, and ready to have a good time at every Thursday after-school meeting we have. You are a strong leader who cares about everyone at the school, whether you know them personally or not, and none of us have yet to master your over-the-top, overly-energetic, email-writing skills. We ask each other all the time: “what will we do without Maevis?”
As the veteran among us, Gabriella, you are “the glue” of our team. Your calm demeanor grounds us at meetings when Mrs. Derendorf can’t. Always quick with a solution or ready to lend a hand, you never hesitated to guide us when the rest of us were feeling lost. It was you who always urged us to explore the Stud Gov closet, and even if we didn’t until Field Day, we’re forever indebted to you for the pirate flag we found in there. You jumped into projects, set goals and didn’t stop until they had been reached. You truly are the backbone of our fantastic team. We know that next year’s Student Government will not be the same without you, but we’re excited to have another Bachiochi on the team.
Stud Gov is losing two dominant forces that have worked to make Montrose betterー this year especially. And though we won’t miss the Zoom link logistical failures (thank you for saving us, Mrs. White!) or any meeting where Catherine didn’t bring us donuts, our team and our school are incredibly grateful for Maevis and Gabriella’s commitment, endless enthusiasm, and resilience this year.
Maevis and G, you’re both one out of ninety-nine. We love you so much and are so happy to have struggled through this insane year with you both.
Catherine and Kasey
Kasey Corra ‘22 and Catherine Olohan ‘22, Co-Assistant Editor-in-Chief and Copy Editor
22kcorra@montroseschool.org & 22colohan@montroseschool.org