(Credit: Pixabay, user pasja1000)
If you’re like me, you probably spend a typical Easter at Church and with extended family. You might wear a special outfit and see relatives whom you don’t normally get to see, and you enjoy finally biting into a piece of chocolate or enjoying whatever you gave up for Lent.
However this year, Easter will look a little different for all of us. Here are 5 ways to keep up traditions while also celebrating Easter in new ways from your home:
Family Egg Hunt
Fill up those plastic eggs and get hunting! If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a store, just hide the pieces of candy, or decorate plastic bags with those smudge-less pens (that always still smudge a little), and hide candy or other prizes in those. Ask parents to hide them for you and your siblings, or you can hide them for the rest of your family. You never know, this might be a chance to see your parents fight over who finds the last egg!
Zoom Your Relatives
I can say from personal experience that a family Zoom is a PARTY. We did it with almost all of my mom’s siblings and their kids (yes, they barely fit on the screen) and my grandfather. It was such a treat to see everyone. We even attempted to have a virtual cookie contest — based on looks only, of course. Set up a Zoom with the family members you miss seeing in person, or ask your parents to.
Dress Up
You may typically wear a nice outfit on Easter Day. Well, why not do this from home? But since no aunts or distant cousins will likely see you, have a Most Fashionable Easter Outfit contest with your family… and dress up in the most ludicrous clothing you can find! You can use a blanket to make a red (or any color) carpet and each take a turn to walk down it. See how creative your family can be!
Cook a Special Treat
Do we have any master chefs in the house? Any of you who love to bake or cook, well, this is your chance to use your talent for good! Provide a piece of the meal your family might normally have on Easter Day. Bake a treat to have after dinner, or make sweet treats to go in baskets. Maybe make your parents baskets if you don’t normally. They’ll probably love receiving a treat you made for them on Easter morning.
Watch Online Mass
Well, you knew this one was coming, but don’t forget the core of the Easter holiday is that Jesus rose from the dead, triumphing over all evil. This year, watching Mass on Easter Day or the Vigil is more important than any other. I think it’s easier to forget the meaning of Easter when we can count on all our outward traditions — extended family, egg hunts, baskets, but now we don’t have the opportunity to follow through on at least a couple of them. However, the heart of Easter remains the same. Jesus still rises, and we can still unite ourselves with Him and say we are celebrating His Resurrection – not the eggs, parties, or baskets but Him and his victory for good.
May you find the opportunity to make this Easter the most holy of all.
Anna Sheehan ’21, Faith Editor