As the 2019-2020 school year comes to a close, Montrose will be saying goodbye to yet another beloved class as they move on to the next chapter in their lives. Although our circumstances have taken away the opportunity to bid farewell to our seniors through the traditional Friday graduation on Miracle Field, the Looking Glass hopes to honor the seniors that have shaped one of the most engaging clubs at Montrose.
The Sophie Kocho we have all come to know is confident, enthusiastic, caring and everything that describes the perfect Montrosian. Sophie described her seventh grade self as “awkward and not confident” and simply not feeling a part of the community. But since then, Sophie has taken opportunities and roles at Montrose that have shaped her as one of the most confident girls Montrose has ever had. From her role as Student Body President to Captain of the Varsity Basketball team, Sophie has left a profound mark on the Montrose community.
Spearheading Varsity Basketball
One of the biggest elements that has shaped Sophie’s Montrose experience was her part in basketball. Sophie said: “I was able to form a family with the girls during my time in basketball. Every year was so special. We were there for each other through all the ups and downs during every season.” As captain of the varsity basketball team, Sophie has not only created an experience that is unforgettable for herself, but has influenced her teammates as well. Member of the varsity basketball team Colleen Casey ‘22 said: “Sophie was a very hard worker, she always wanted to play her best in practices and in games. Not only was she a great captain because of her incredible leadership but she was an amazing friend and teammate to everyone on and off the court.” Sophie recalled one of her favorite feelings during basketball as seeing Montrosians loudly cheering on the team from the mezzanine and bleachers. “People are coming to cheer you on. It’s such a Montrose thing. The cheers made me feel amazing even if it wasn’t something I did in the game… it made me feel at home.” Sophie leaves the basketball team with a bang as they won the championship making them victorious under her leadership. Sophie’s legacy with the basketball team consists of dedication, passion, and enthusiasm which will be remembered by the team for years to come.
President Sophie Kocho
Sophie is most known for her role as the student body president this past year. From her speech while campaigning as a junior to training the next exec team, Sophie has led our school with grace, care, and composure. Sophie’s fellow vice president, Celia Roberto who is also graduating this year said: “I was so lucky to get to have Sophie as the president to my VP and my friend. I look up to her, and not just because she is tall, she’s genuinely such a role model. Thank you for being the responsible mom that our exec team and school couldn’t live without but making it full of smiles and fun along the way! You can see how much Soph loves school in everything she does and we love her that much right back!” Her fellow secretary and soon to be vice president Gabriella Bachiochi ‘20 said: “This whole year Sophie has stepped up completely to the challenges of leading the school. She is so capable of completing her job as president but she chooses to do it with a smile every time! I will miss Sophie so much next year, but I know she will do amazing things for the world!! Thank you Sophie for being such a great inspiration and example of what it means to put love into what you ar4e doing everyday!” Treasurer Issie Russo ‘21 said: “I am so happy that I got to become friends with Sophie this year. Not only is she an amazing leader to our community who puts so much effort into her role on student government, she is a wonderful person and friend. I’ve learned so much from her and I can’t imagine this year on stud-gov with anybody else! Thank you for the best year, I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for her. Montrose will miss her!” Sophie’s ability to lead the school with humility and efficiency is undeniable and she leaves behind an excellent example for the upcoming exec team!
In the Montrose Community and the Looking Glass
Outside her prominent roles as captain of varsity and basketball and president, Sophie has done incredible things for the student body and for the Looking Glass. Sophie’s presentation on the effects of vaping on teenages testifies to her potential as a leader and as a Montrose student who speaks and educates with confidence. These same qualities are shown in Sophie’s role in the Looking Glass. At her accepted student night’s dinner with Mrs. Whitlock at her table, Sophie was introduced to the Looking Glass. Sophie said:”My mom was a journalist and she wanted me to join. I didn’t join until junior year because I was intimidated but even though I couldn’t write articles all the time, I would sporadically come to dede with ideas and I eventually decided to join as a junior.” Sophie has done so much for the Looking Glass as the Lead Copy Editor and we will always remember the dedication and love you put into the newspaper!
Reflections and Her Next Chapter
When asked about how the class of 2020 must finish their senior year, Sophie said: “Obviously it’s a bummer. It’s been a challenge, adjusting to online learning and connecting with friends is hard. I wish we could have the rest of the year because I miss traditions. But I appreciate that I’m at Montrose during this. The Montrose administration has been taking care of us in a way that is unique to Montrose.” When asked about her reflection on her time in the Looking Glass and at Montrose Sophie nostalgically said: “I could write pages and pages about what Montrose has given me but for now thank you to the Looking Glass for teaching me more about how newspaper works. Really it’s a very professionally run club with deadlines and everything. I valued my time as a copy editor and having a place in the inner workings. I encourage all the current members to keep going because there are so many special voices that are heard not on the day to day basis and that’s what the Looking Glass is for! To Montrose, Thank you for changing me from a young, insecure, uncertain girl into a confident, emotionally and spiritually, young woman.
Sophie Kocho is heading to Harvard University where she plans to study neuroscience and psychology. Sophie’s journey at Montrose is truly an inspiration for all of us. Her hard work as student body president, her passion for basketball, her intelligence exhibited in her classes and speech models a girl who leads with wisdom, love, elegance and humility.
The Looking Glass cannot thank you enough for your decision to join and everything you have done for us as copy editor. You have such a big and kind heart that has made an impact on everybody’s life at Montrose. Harvard University is lucky to have you and we wish you our best because we know you will do amazing and life-changing things! Be sure to visit us next year because we will miss you so much! We love you Soph!
The Looking Glass
Spandana Vagwala ‘22, Co Assistant Editor-in-Chief