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“Our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” St. Augustine’s profound words could not be more applicable to the college process. Even without the added stress of COVID-19, uncertainty plays a major role in the life of a senior. There are so many unanswered questions: Should I apply here even though it is really competitive? Do I stay nearby or go far? Will I actually enjoy my intended major? Will I get in anywhere?
I would say that this year has been especially challenging. What we leaned on as certainties before the pandemic are no longer certain. There are endless choices… and so there are endless questions. Often too, we begin to realize that what has been normal for us our whole life is slowly slipping away. We cannot hold onto anything. We find our hearts restless.
Amidst the worries, many seniors have discovered that their faith brings them peace during this time. God quiets our restless minds and hearts. He brings strength. He acts as someone to hold onto when everything seems fleeting. Maevis Fahey ‘21 commented on her gratitude for the constancy of her faith: “There are so many changes going on in our lives right now. Having something constant like our faith is really great [to] lean on, especially during these times. I couldn’t be more grateful that we still have our chapel to visit whenever we need it.”
In addition to being a constant source of peace, God also brings perspective. Our faith reminds us that God is calling us to be saints, to love each and every day in whatever we are doing, wherever we are. And so, this seemingly monstrous decision is put into perspective. Anna Sheehan ‘21 said: “My faith has been my top priority in the college process. Prayer helps me to make the best decisions in the process and to take myself out of it, to remind me that becoming a saint is way more important that becoming an alumna of a particular school.” Decisions have to constantly be made and it is an extreme comfort to be able to entrust the whole process to God. Catherine Bettinelli ‘21 stated: “God is in charge, so no matter what happens or what college we get into, all of it is part of God’s plan and His imagination is far greater than our own.”
College is just another step in God’s plan for us. Our faith gives us a north to look toward whenever we have to make a decision.
God brings strength and perspective into our restless hearts.
Gabriella Bachiochi ’21