Adam Richins
Fr. Jeff says daily mass with Deacon Fred.
Have you ever wondered what Faith Peer Leaders (FPL) is? You may just think about them as the girls who set up, clean the chapel, and help out during mass. However, it is much more than that. Faith Peer Leaders is about setting an example in faith for others to follow. It is a way of unwinding in the morning and making time for God. The senior leaders Catherine, Maggie, Issie, and Gabriella have been especially faithful in keeping this legacy true these past years. Catherine Bettinelli ‘21 explains: “Taking care of the chapel has been a privilege and a blessing. My favorite is early in the morning when no one is there and the chapel is quiet. You get to unlock the doors and set up for mass.” FPL is an easy way to reflect and grow closer towards God and others. Issie Russo ‘21 explains: “Being a part of FPL has been such a great experience, allowing me to strengthen my connections with my fellow students as well as my own faith. I’ve loved spending my mornings in the chapel, reflecting and growing closer to God as I set up the altar for mass.”
FPL is more than just taking care of the chapel. Gabriella Bachiochi ‘21 explains: “I have been part of Faith Peer Leaders for all 7 years at Montrose. I have loved the responsibility we are privileged to have in the chapel. It reminds us that although we are only high schoolers, we can do little things to bring Jesus into the lives of those around us.” The seniors have had the biggest job in the club this year: training the new members to set up, clean up, and contribute to mass. Leslie Baker ‘24 said: “I was so nervous to have such a big responsibility and the seniors made it super easy! They taught me everything there is to know about what to do and when. We all couldn’t have done it without them.” Thank you Catherine, Maggie, Issie, and Gabriella for such an amazing year! We will miss you!
Anya Marino ‘24, Contributing Writer