Fr. Kevin Estabook
St. Maria Goretti: Patroness of peace, purity, forgiveness, and love!
St. Maria Goretti is one of my favorite saints! She is often prayed to for peace, purity, forgiveness, and love.
On October 16, 1890, Maria Goretti was born into a poor family. She was one of the oldest of a big family. She was raised by devout Catholic parents and had very strong faith by a young age.
Her father decided to move to Colle Granturco with her family and they shared a small floor with the Serenellis. Giovanni Serenelli’s wife had passed away years before, which left him to care for his son, Alessandro, who was about 20. Alessandro began to inappropriately pursue Maria. Maria’s father passed away when she was nine, leaving Maria’s mother to work in the field with the Serenellis. That left all the housework and childcare up to Maria. Maria continued to pray, love, and work hard. When Alessandro began to make inappropriate and crude advances on her, Maria ran away a lot. Maria didn’t tell her mother about Alessandro, placing her trust in God instead.
On July 5, 1902, Alessandro returned from the fields early. He attempted to rape Maria, but she prevented him, screaming that it was a sin. In pure anger, he viciously stabbed Maria in the stomach 14 times. Alessandro fled, leaving Maria screaming for her mother. Most of her organs were severely infected by her wounds, and she died the next day. Her last words were: “I forgive Alessandro Serenelli and I want him with me in Heaven forever.”
Maria was canonized on June 24, 1950, with Alessandro in the crowd. He converted during his prison sentence, and became a monk afterwards. Before he died, he wrote this letter to all.
Maria is sometimes referred to as “the Saint Agnes of the 20th century.” Maria’s feast day is July 6, and she is one of the youngest saints. She is also usually depicted holding three lilies, symbolizing purity, with a field of them behind her. She lived a beautiful life and is an awesome model for us when we struggle with peace, purity, forgiveness, and love.
Jane Marino ‘29, Staff Writer