Kathryn Purinton
Seniors celebrate their first (and last) prom.
Prom. What is it, if not an excuse to dress fancy, eat a ton of food, and act crazy? It’s a rite-of-passage kind of high school experience — or at least that’s what it’s like in the movies. But what is it really like? Here are some Montrosian perspectives from this year’s junior/senior prom.
First, the venue: Brookmeadow Country Club. It definitely felt very ritzy — despite the creaky floor that felt like it was going to collapse under everyone jumping. The decorations were fun (so many balloons!) and as we entered, we marveled at how small it was compared to the Lakeview Pavilion at semi. Spandana Vagwala ’22 said: “I loved the decorations. Very simple and elegant, for sure!”
Some critiques: golfers gave us confused looks upon arrival, and subtract points for having so many stairs (Elizabeth Barrett ’23 said: “How does that work with long dresses and heels?”) If I had to rate it from 1-10, 10 being most like the unrealistic movie depictions, I’d rate the initial entrance a five (darn those stairs!)
Next, the food. There were many differing opinions on the food. Salad came out first, and there was this mystery dressing out on the table that no one seemed to like. Wendy Jacobi ’23 described it as “a jello-like substance that was entitled with the name ‘Italian dressing.'” Yeah, I’m going to have to agree with Wendy on that one… Then, a plate of chicken and potatoes came out. I wouldn’t say it was out-of-this-world, but you can’t really go wrong with chicken and potatoes, so I’d say it was a success. I’d rate the food a solid seven.

Then, the music turned up, and people started leaving their tables to dance. DJ Convery definitely gave the people what they wanted. Jenn Uche ’22 said: “DJ Convery was so fire!” After the debacle of unwanted remixes at semi, everyone wanted redemption. Anna Proscia ’23 said: “The music was significantly better than semi.” Mission accomplished on the DJ’s part! I’d rate the music a 9/10!

Some people go into this kind of experience expecting that it’ll be like it is in the movies. But not the seniors. They were just glad to be there at all.
The seniors spoke fondly of their prom night, probably because it was their first and last. Kasey Corra ’22 said: “I was so glad that we got to go in the first place after missing it last year…the food was very good, in my opinion, and the parents did a great job preparing everything and dancing.”
Anna Rose ’22 shared a similar sentiment: “Prom was such a fun time, especially since it was our last dance together as a class. We didn’t get a junior prom, so I think we all really enjoyed it this year and made the most of it.”

“Prom was a blast!” said one senior. “Prom was, due to lack of better vocabulary, awesome,” said Nora Kelly ’22. “Prom was a movie,” said Catherine Olohan ’22. I guess some seniors did get their picture-perfect prom straight out of the movies!
Juniors, on the other hand, felt a little underwhelmed. “I was a little bit disappointed,” said one junior. “It was kind of a letdown after semi,” said another. I think because it was our first prom, and there was a lot of pressure around bringing dates, it all got in people’s heads a little, me included.
Spandana said: “I think prom can be super daunting, but it felt really nice to see everyone dressed up and having a good time.” I think in the end, everyone had a ton of fun, even if they were scared or underwhelmed at first.
Even if it wasn’t like a movie, it was still a valuable experience full of fun and friendship and just letting loose. And maybe that’s why I’d rate it a 10/10.

by Elyza Tuan ’23, Editor-in-Chief