On Ash Wednesday this year, I decided to give up sweets and non-school-related Internet for Lent. Because both of these particular sacrifices are challenging for me, I wasn’t sure how I would fare without them until Easter. No dessert? No Facebook? For forty days? Yet the first week of Lent is now over and with it comes some interesting discoveries.
First of all, I have discovered that giving up my particular indulgences is almost liberating, in a way. The absence of web-surfing opens up a measure of time to complete homework in a timely manner, and giving up sweets helps me focus on the other, non-food-related joys in life.
Secondly, I have found that the absence of these luxuries makes me more mindful of Jesus in little instances throughout the day. For example, passing up a class birthday treat can be painful… until I remember exactly why I am doing so. By making sacrifices, we grow closer friends with God, purify our souls in preparation for Easter, and help the entire world by offering up our suffering. All that can be obtained from declining a cookie or brownie? Isn’t that the most amazing thing?
So far, Lent has helped me in both practical and spiritual ways. Yes, Lent is a struggle, but it is a joyful struggle, and one made all the more fulfilling because after the forty days are done… Easter arrives in all its glory!