(Credit: Science Magazine, Robert Neubecker)
Some people might see this pandemic as an opportunity to take a break from their jobs, while some fear the uncertainty of their next paycheck. Others return to their jobs everyday in the same way as before. I classify myself with the last group — I continue to wash dishes at a place called Dream Dinners.
Dream Dinners, a place that prepares meals for busy families, shifted to a takeout-only location during this crisis. Like many other restaurants who have shifted to takeout-orders only, Dream Dinners remains open, running, and surprisingly busy. Even though washing dishes is no elegant job, it still stands as an opportunity to get away from the house and to take a break from all the crazy people in it (I’m only kidding about the “crazy” part… sort of).
Although everything is pretty much the same as before the pandemic, Dream Dinners no longer allows customers inside and has a “no talking over food” policy in order to ensure the safety of the customers. Little things such as these make the working experience different because of the low interaction with people. However, if you really just can’t stay in the house any longer, and you’re bored of pathetic attempts to entertain yourself (like me), you would really appreciate the great benefits of working.
Being stuck in the house means I’m constantly surrounded by my family. Don’t get me wrong, I love my family, but we tend to get on each other’s nerves after a while. We each try to distract ourselves from this ultimate boredom and stop ourselves from wandering to the fridge by remembering that “we are not hungry, just bored.” Thus, working is the perfect way to keep some normality in life and temporarily mend this boredom. I am grateful to still have the opportunity to work especially with so many in desperate situations without their regular income.
— Bella Convery ’22
Contact: 22bconvery@montroseschool.org