The cross country team at the starting line before running 3.1 miles!
The Montrose Mavericks dominated their cross-country meet this Wednesday, September 14th. Racing in a dual meet against Lexington Christian Academy, the girls beat LCA by a landslide.
Montrosians led the pack. Sisters Mary Dyke ‘20 and Francesca Dyke ‘18 placed first and second in the race, respectively. Following close behind them in fourth and fifth place were Ciara Young ‘18 and Hannah Marino ‘18. Jenna McCarthy ‘19 and Emily Bowman ‘19 came in sixth and seventh place, and more Montrosians followed right behind: Anna Dyke ‘23 placed in eighth place, and Tess Farr ‘22 placed in ninth place. Kasey Corra ‘22 ended in tenth place, and Caroline Piorkowski ‘22 ended in eleventh place.
Each cross-country runner displayed magnificent perseverance and determination as they raced in the first meet of their season. Great job, Mavericks!