The varsity basketball team started off the season winning a scrimmage against Newton Country Day School who is positioned in a league above the Mavericks. After an intense, aggressive game, the close scoring win pumped the girls up for what lay ahead. After winning their first two league games of the season, the new players have quickly affiliated with the rest of the team. Bringing new speed and skills to the court, new players Naomi Jaenicke ‘20, Amira Akar ‘21, and Daniella Iffih ‘23 have instantly picked up on the team’s plays and defenses.
Two new coaches are leading our Varsity team. Brigid Koenen and Kailyn Aguia are two very talented and experienced basketball players, who are looking forward to leading us to another Division 1 IGC title, alongside Coach and Athletic Director Julie Ruggieri. Brigid Koenen played basketball in high school and continued on to coach both JV Basketball and Track & Field at Montrose. Her skill-specific drills and continuous conditioning prepared the team well for their first scrimmage against Newton Country Day School. Kailyn Aguia, recruited to play basketball at Bridgewater State University, played forward and had a significant impact on her team during her time in college, leading her to be named team captain during her senior year. Coach Ruggeri said:“She is so valuable, being fresh off the court.” Kailyn’s positive outlook, joyful approach, and immense experience on the court motivates each and every player to give 110% during each practice. Through Coach Kailyn and Coach Brigid’s constant desire for their players to improve, Montrose Varsity Basketball is positioned to have their best season yet!
Naomi, a new member of the team this year, commented, “Being new to this team, I was unsure on how I would fit in, especially as a first year and being a senior. On the first day of practice, everything that I had worried about before disappeared because the coaches and my teammates showed me so much support and made me so confident in my ability to play, which I couldn’t be more thankful for.” Captain Sophie Kocho ‘20 said during practice: “I am so excited to be captain this year, especially because I can tell that this team is really special. We support each other both on and off the court. Not to mention, we can make each other pee our pants (with laughter).” The Varsity Basketball team definitely shares a bond this year that is different than the previous years, whether it is shown through their verbal support, hand shakes in the hall, or wearing their merch — legally or illegally. When asked how she felt about the team, Sophie Cronin ‘23 said: “We are definitely a fun and motivated group of girls who are building a great chemistry, have a positive attitude, play with A LOT of energy, and strive to defend our IGC championship title.”
Coach Ruggeri remarked on the season thus far: “The great thing about this team is not only are they nice kids who work hard and bond really well off the court, but they are also extremely talented. Since my time here, this is the deepest team we have ever had. We have six really solid guards, and we feel confident putting any combination of players in.” The team is ready to face some atypical out-of-league teams for some more competition including: Newton Country Day School, Concord Academy, Bancroft, LCA, and Providence Country Day School. Join the Mav Fan Nation and help us rock the A&A during home games!