Lessons and Carols

Lessons and Carols not only brings the school community together to show what we learn in classes, but to reflect on the religious virtues of the Christmas season with its reverent songs and readings.
Christmas at Montrose is undeniably one of the busiest times of the year. From our favorite traditions, like cookie decorating and Secret Santa to the academic stresses that arise from the tests and essays that get assigned before break, there’s always something to keep students, teachers, and families occupied. It’s a ton of fun, but it can also be distracting from the true reasons we celebrate.
One tradition that stands out from the holiday bustle is Lessons and Carols. In the midst of this lively time of year, it’s a peaceful night of music and readings. Lessons and Carols not only brings the school community together to show what we learn in classes, but to reflect on the religious virtues of the Christmas season with its reverent songs and readings.
This year, the night started out with a procession of students holding candles and singing “Oh Come All Ye Faithful” as they walked from the balcony to their seats. From there, the smaller group performances began. The different chorus and acapella groups, handbells, and tone chimes, along with some other students and teachers, each took a turn presenting the carols they had been working on through the past months. The songs they played related to the excerpts of the Nativity story that students read in between. The night concluded with everyone there singing “Hark the Herald Angels.”
This night would, of course, not be possible without the support of all the teachers who help students learn our music and even give up their time before and after school to provide students with the opportunity to perform and put their friends and families in the festive mood. Both the performers and the people who guided their performances can be proud of a job well done.
By Lucy DeMeo ‘24, Co-Arts and Entertainment Editor