Steps to Grounding Yourself During Quarantine
(Credit: Pixabay user anrita1705)
(Credit: Pixabay user anrita1705)
I know the coronavirus situation is still crazy, and I know we can still get lost in all the information coming at us. Sometimes, we need to ground ourselves and keep calm. Here are some tips for grounding yourself.
Step 1: Know That Everything Will Be Okay
Everything will be okay. Just take a look around you. Think about the Montrose community surrounding you. Think about your family who loves you. Be optimistic. Be hopeful. Saint Augustine once said, “There is no love without hope, no hope without love, and neither hope nor love without faith.”
Step 2: Make A Schedule
I know that I am lost when I don’t know what to do. I love making schedules because they keep me on track and focused. I know that we already have a Montrose schedule, which is extremely helpful, but make sure to include something meaningful like a walk after the school day is over. Schedule in time to play with your siblings or talk with your parents.
Step 3: Start A New Hobby
Since we have so much free time on our hands, I suggest starting a new hobby. Try knitting or learning a new language. Try cooking or reading a book you’ve been wanting to read for a while. You never know how something will go until you try it!
Step 4: Reach Out To Others
It might seem weird to ground yourself by helping others, but reaching out to others not only helps keep you calm and grateful, but helps others as well. Write letters to your local nursing home, call a friend everyday to check in, and contact your grandparents. They will definitely enjoy talking with you.
Step 5: Have Patience
On the morning of Thursday, March 12 (our last day at school before social distancing took effect), Dr. Bohlin shared “5 P’s” for us to remember. One of those is patience. Have patience with yourself and others. These are stressful times. But, make sure you understand how others are feeling and trust them. Have patience that this situation will be over soon.
— Neha Sunkara ’21