Thursday, October 2nd marked a unique tradition for the Montrose community, Founders Day. This dual celebration of the founding of Opus Dei and the founding of Montrose involved a special Mass, ice cream sandwiches at break and a 30-minute presentation by the Senior Class.
The importance of this annual commemoration is, in the words of Academic Dean Mrs. Ginnetty, “that everyone understand what was in the minds of the founders.” She further explained: “We believe in a mission based education, and if we don’t know the original intention of the founders, we can’t purposefully pursue it.” Dr. Bohlin added: “the purpose of Founders Day is to introduce and remind the school of where we came from, who the people are who founded the school, and what the driving inspiration was for the start of Montrose School.”
Founder’s Day also gives the seniors a chance to take ownership of the Montrose mission and to ensure they fully understand what it means to be a Montrosian before launching toward college and careers. Organizing the assembly gives the seniors an opportunity to remember and discover Montrose’s history, connect that history to today, and use those connections to help guide the School’s ongoing growth.
Plus, it’s impossible not to be entertained while looking through 20-year old pictures of some alumnae teachers. The assembly involved a brief history of St. Josemaria and Opus Dei, and then a connection and transition to Montrose’s history, from the school’s inception as an idea discussed over coffee, to the realization of our “second founding” when we made our permanent home in Medfield and as we continue to expand through initiatives like the new Arts & Athletic Center.
Dr. Bohlin noted with a smile that “Montrose is a family, and families need to share not only traditions but the great story…As the eldest sisters in the school, it’s an opportunity for [the seniors] to ask the questions [they] still have…about the school’s history and inspiration and to be the ones to share that with [their] younger sisters before [they] leave.” Senior Class President Sarah Morrill echoed the same sentiment when she said,“preparing and executing the Founders Day Assembly gave our class greater perspective into Montrose’s history as well as a greater appreciation for all who came before us”
Class Body President Elle Schirripa ’15, explained: “Founders Day is one of my favorite days of the year! I love hearing about all the stories from the beginning of Montrose. I’m always struck by how much has changed yet the mission still remains the same. On Founders Day, we celebrate the one thing all students, administrators, and teachers have in common: Montrose School. A look back at the past reminds us of our humble roots yet sets our sights on where we are going.”
Dr. Bohlin ended her tribute in a similar tone: “At Montrose , we find ourselves a part of the founding vision and mission. There are stories attached to the early days of the school…and families pass on stories, it’s important for current Montrosians to have those stories, to know their history and cherish the past as we build our future.”