Montrose Spirit Week Returns!

Credit: Mrs. Martin

Montrose students battle it out during Spirit Week musical chairs.

Spirit Week took place from Monday, March 7th, to Friday, March 11th. Stud Gov planned a week of fun activities, costumes, and spirit! First, on Monday, we kicked off the week with a Red Sock Day. We all sported our red socks and enjoyed some ice cream during lunch! Next, on Tuesday, we celebrated Class Unity. Each grade selected a costume theme to represent their grade. We had a large variety of costumes from the 6th grade dressing up as Seniors, to the teachers wearing Wordle letters to spell out UNITY. 

Montrose faculty in their costumes! (Credit: Mrs. Martin)

Following Class Unity day, we had Dress Up As a Song Day on Wednesday. There were many creative costumes from many different genres of music. Then, on Thursday, we had the incredible Red and White Team Day! This was a crazy day with people decked out in their team color, as well as an insane game of musical chairs during Common Homeroom. (GO, RED TEAM!!)

Sixth graders on the Red Team watch a musical chairs game unfold. (Credit: Mrs. Martin)

Throughout Thursday, we also played the Like Game. Each person received safety pins that they would lose if using the word “like” incorrectly. The person with the most safety pins at the end of the day won points for their team. To conclude Spirit Week, we had a regular Montrose Swag Day along with a teacher hunt. Pictures of teachers were scattered throughout the school to be found by students racing to find the most before the end of the day. Julianna Flores ‘27 said, “I loved seeing what everyone came into school wearing each day and how it brought the school together!” Grace Goranson ‘27 “I loved the school spirit that everyone showed!” Mrs. Rios said, ”I loved how joyful the school was during the week.” Spirit Week was an awesome time for Montrose to come together and celebrate our school spirit!

Amy De Winter ’27, Staff Writer