Floaties, Paranoia and Betrayal: Montrose’s Senior Assassin Begins
Credit: Anna Rose ’22, Maddie Marshall ’22
Top: Emma Barry ’22 is ambushed by assassin Catherine Olohan ’22 (not pictured), who, after 5 hours at Emma’s dance studio the night before, finally soaked her by staging a Girl Scout picture for the Montrose Instagram. Bottom Left: Bella Convery and Anna Marosfoi ’22 reconcile after Anna became the first victim of the game. Bottom Right: Caroline Piorkowski ’22 poses with her floatie secured after a lacrosse game.
Senior assassin: the most intense game of high school. You may have heard of it from past years at Montrose or from your local public school’s senior class. The class of 2022 at Montrose has been planning their version for months, with some senior parents even getting their daughters water guns for Christmas. After collectively drafting a contract as a class, the seniors gathered together on Wednesday, March 30th for a formal reading and signing of this contract stating the rules of the game. Then, each member paid their $10 entry fee and randomly picked the name of another senior who would become their target. At 7 am on Thursday, March 31, senior assassin 2022 began.
For those who don’t know, senior assassin is a game played by senior classes every year across the country. It is a classic ‘last man standing’ game. Every person has a target, to be kept a secret, and it is their job to ‘assassinate’ them by shooting them with a water gun. Once they have successfully done so, they assume the target of the person they killed. The game will end when there is only one person left, who will win the cash prize funded by the entry fee paid by all participating seniors. These are the basic rules that most high schools recognize, but Montrose has some special rules. Because of our small class size and extensive knowledge of every classmate’s personal life, seniors are allowed to wear pool floaties that provide a safety from being shot in order to extend the length of the game. You may have seen the hardcore seniors wearing them around the school. The rules regarding the floaties is that they may be worn at any time, yet they must be worn in the same way they would be properly worn in a pool. (for example: arm floaties around the upper arm, a tube worn around the waist) There are also safe zones where a person may not be shot. These include: inside the school building; while clocked in at work; during practices or games; during theater rehearsals and productions; during church; and while actively operating a car.

In addition, an assassin may not break in or sneak into their target’s house to kill them. However, if they are invited in by their target or a person who lives in the house, then they can complete their kill.The game is also separated into rounds. At the end of each round, if a person has failed to kill their FIRST target, then they will be eliminated. Names are then redrawn from surviving seniors for the next round. Any of these rules are subject to change by agreement of the senior class. (School buildings may become legal hunting grounds in the next few days)

In the first week of senior assassin 2022, 15 seniors have been killed. The game is intense and seniors who remain in the game are filled with paranoia. Drastic measures have been taken to kill targets, and friendships have been strained. Kasey Corra, who was killed by Anna Rose last Saturday, April 2nd at a college welcome day, has some thoughts on her own death: “[It was] unexpected, but maybe should have been expected. My mom warned me the night before that Anna might have me, but ~statistically~ it didn’t seem probable. Regret.”
Senior Colleen Casey, who successfully killed her first target on day one remarks on her experience so far: “It’s a really fun game to play with the whole class, especially in our last few months together. Constantly looking over your shoulder, even outside your own house, adds a really fun suspense to life. Everyone is in it to win it, so we’re all having a lot of fun and taking this very seriously.” Catherine Olohan adds, “The floaties are a fashion statement, no matter how many dirty looks we get in public. I’m wearing mine to a Providence College event, I think it’ll be a really good conversation starter.”
To stay updated on any rule changes, on who is dead, how they were killed, who has the most kills, and who remains, follow @montroseseniorassassin on instagram, and place your bets on which senior will claim the $270 cash prize.
*Special shoutout to Leah Birmingham for organizing and regulating senior assassins for the senior class.*
Anna Rose ’22, Staff Writer