On the first day of senior year, it’s a Montrose tradition that seniors show up to school extremely early and watch the sunrise together, and this year was no different. This year, I’m finally a senior and starting my sixth year at Montrose, so I got to be a part of the fun. It all began with the not-so-fun part: the 4:00 A.M. wake-up call after the prior day consisting of a day of swimming and setting up my locker at Montrose, followed by field hockey practice in the heat wave. Even for a morning person, this was quite difficult, but in the end, it was definitely worth it.
Extremely early in the morning, I scrambled to make sure that I had everything for not only school but for field hockey, too. Lesson for all future seniors: pack your things the night before when you do senior sunrise — it’s HARD to pack everything up that early in the morning.
By 5:00 in the morning, I’d packed everything into my car, and I had set out for Montrose. That early in the morning, the roads were extremely empty, which was a huge change for me. Living in Westwood, I’ve been in my fair share of huge traffic jams going both to and from Montrose, as only one road, Route 109, leads from Westwood to Medfield. It’s also the only road that leads to the highway from Medfield.
After we all arrived, we met on Miracle Field. Instead of our usual school outfits, consisting of polo shirts and gray skirts — or on the first day of school, button-downs and blazers — we were wearing comfy clothes. Despite the sun not being up, it was still really hot, so personally, I found wearing a hoodie to be very warm.
Along with watching the sunrise, we hung out on Miracle Field, shared snacks, and bonded together, celebrating the start of our final year of high school and forgetting about all of the stresses that come with senior year. Fast-forwarding to the first day of school, we FINALLY got to claim the senior commons as our own after years of waiting, we got to meet our new teachers, and overall, we had an excellent final first day!
By Kristina Klauzinski ‘24, Sports Editor