Medfield Mural: Middle School Masterpiece

Middle School art students kicked off the school year creating a dynamic masking tape mural gracing the wall at the top of the stairs leading from Founder’s Hall.  Each level – 6, 7 and 8 – participated while Mrs. Bowman and Mrs. Marge guided the students with questions on how to best develop the mural.  Mrs. Marge explains, “ I was extremely impressed by the students’ collaboration.  Some stages of the mural became weak and did not visually satisfy, sometimes it was a disappointment to the girls, but after they thought carefully, they offered constructive feedback and suggestions for how to help the mural take shape.  It can be tough to create a beautiful artwork that involves so many hands in process, but they succeeded.” This culminated in a landscape of skewed perspective that incorporates familiar buildings of Medfield and a visually compelling exploration of oil pastel techniques.