Snaps Abound at Montrose’s First Poetry Open Mic

There’s nothing like the exhilaration of hearing your own voice resound over a microphone before a keen audience. Fifteen members of the Montrose community experienced this surreal sensation while presenting at Montrose’s first Open Mic Poetry event during Common Time on Friday, February 16th. Some were original works shared for the first time, while others were written by famous poets years ago. Nonetheless, each poem found a way to strike a chord amongst the crowd of listeners.

Undoubtedly, this Open Mic Poetry event aided in enriching the student body with memorable lessons from each and every poem. Mrs. Farmer Kris presented a poetic story with her daughter about never teasing weasels, reminding all listeners that children’s literature affects us even today. Several Seniors (‘18)—Gabby Landry, Skylar Miklus, Alex Rider, and Yvonne Niebuhr—were some of many who presented original pieces. Teachers also presented; Señora Dodds Silveyra read a poem in Spanish, Mrs. Murphy read a humorous math-related piece written by her nephew, and Mrs. Sullivan shared the tale of “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod” by Eugene Field.

Montrose embraced another peculiar but lovable tradition behind poetry events like this. Every time someone in the audience was significantly struck by the presenter’s words, they would snap a few times as a sign of interest. Collectively, the bouts of snaps from the audience encouraged each reader to continue, despite any nerves. By the end of their piece, the presenter was faced with a chorus of congratulatory snapping, which is debatably the best manner of gratitude a person can receive. Look out for future Open Mic Poetry events at Montrose to enjoy more lovely poems read by fellow Montrosians.

Take an inside look at Montrose’s 2018 Poetry Jam on Youtube

Poems Read at Poetry Open Mic

Gabby Landry “One Hundred Love Sonnets: XVII” by Pablo Neruda; “Charcoal” (original)
Elyza Tuan “How Did Life Go By So Fast” (original)
Loraine Niebuhr “The Puffin Poem”
Gillian Murray Some originals
Maevis Fahey “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou
Mrs. Sullivan “Wynken, Blynken, and Nod” by Eugene Field
Ciara Young “Gitanjali 35” by Rabindranath Tagore
Tori Morris “The Blue Jay” (original)
Mrs. Kris and her daughter Annie “Never Tease a Weasel”
Sra. Silveyra “Volverán las oscuras golondrinas”
Mrs. Murphy Math-related piece
Olivia Hastie “Dear Future Husband” (original)
Skylar Miklus An original
Alex Rider “Synesthetic Synapses” (original)
Yvonne Niebuhr “Only You” (original)