The Fourth and Final Week of Advent Scoop
Starting this Sunday, we’ll begin the last week of Advent…which is only five days before Christmas! As we get ready to enjoy break, we have the chance to make a very special Christmas wish: that we will be ready to receive Jesus. And, as God always does, he provides a Gospel that will give us what we need to make that wish come true.
The Big Leap
“Mary said, ‘Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word.’” (Luke 1:38).
Mary probably made the biggest “leap of faith” that any person ever has. But we can too! God coming into the world and taking on human flesh, fully human and fully divine, is the most extraordinary event that has ever happened (besides Jesus rising from the dead). And, if we’re really going to celebrate Christmas, it means that we’ve got to dive deep into that truth and realize what it means for us.
Where in your life is God asking you to be His handmaid? We each have some material thing we can detach ourselves from, or a place where we can become more engaged in our spiritual life, or a particular family member we can love more. When we embrace God’s special call to each one of us, we too will receive Jesus, just as Mary received Him when she told God: “May it be done to me according to your word.”
Small Steps
So how do we submit ourselves fully to God? Well, don’t forget who carried God’s message to Mary… the Angel Gabriel! We each have a guardian angel with whom we can converse just as we do with a friend. (I’m convinced my angel likes to laugh at me when I trip or forget something). The Annunciation story tells us that God’s angels are important when it comes to our spiritual growth. We can pray to the angels, especially our guardian angels, to help us in our journey to be more open to receiving Jesus.
For more steps to grow in faith, let’s take a look at some words of wisdom from the Montrose community.
“No man is a failure who has friends.” — Clarence, It’s a Wonderful Life
Speaking of angels, the angel-to-be of this Christmas movie reminds us of the greatest gift we can give during the Advent and Christmas season: friendship. Nurturing our relationships with Jesus, our family members and our friends will bring us closer to God. Thanks to Jenn Uche ‘22 and Alanna Hyatt ‘22 for this one!
“Once in our world, a Stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” — C.S. Lewis
Thank you, Catherine Bettinelli ‘21 for this beautiful piece of Christmas wisdom. During Advent and Christmas, we can grow in detachment from material things to make room for Jesus. Think of the holy stable when you try to put your life into perspective — even the whole world is nothing compared to Jesus’ love!
“Christmas is a time for forgiveness” — the McTuttle family, The Elf on the Shelf: An Elf’s Story
Thank you to Kendra Baker ‘26 for this quote! Christmas will be a lot more joyful when you give charity to all, even those you view as the least deserving.
“Christmas Day will always be, just as long as… we stand heart to heart and hand in hand!” The Who’s, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas by Dr. Seuss
Even if you’re holding hands in spirit only, sticking together will make this Christmas season and every day afterwards more joyful for everyone. Thanks, Julie Baker ‘23!
“Peace on earth will come to stay, when we live Christmas every day.” — Helen Steiner Rice.
Gabriella Dansereau ´26 and Theresa Marcucci ‘23 (thanks!) share this joyful promise: Christmas will live forever in our world if we always live the miracle of Jesus coming to earth. Your faith can transform the world!
“Oh come, let us adore him, Christ the Lord” — “O Come All Ye Faithful”
Thanks to Gabriela Haney ‘27 for offering this beautiful quote, which sums up what the Christmas season is all about.
Christmas Spirit at Montrose
As you can see, Montrosians are very ready for Christmas Day, based on the quotes they are thinking about these days! When asked what level of enthusiasm they have for Christmas, 73.7% of survey respondents said “Yes!!!!” (and nobody gave it a “Nah”) so I think we’re good on the Christmas spirit! But if you need anymore, remember the words of Buddy the Elf: “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” courtesy of Grace Gulbankian ‘21, Katie Hanifin ‘24, and Isabela Pap ‘24.
Here are some activities that Montrosians are most looking forward to doing over break: Sleeping, said 28.9% of respondents. Considering that this wasn’t a multiple choice question, and each of those girls typed in the same response, we’re really tired. Amelia White ‘25 said: “I mean Christmas is great and all, but I just want to sleep and have nothing on my plate.” Several girls are looking forward to baking. Catherine Bettinelli ‘21 will be “watching Hallmark movies, drinking hot chocolate, making cookies and opening Christmas cards.” “SPENDING TIME WITH FAMILY!!!!!!” said Juliette Earley ‘23. Time with family was a top choice for many Montrosians looking forward to their Christmas break. And finally, this one was just so beautiful: “Giving people the presents I bought for them,” said an anonymous student in eighth grade. Whoever you are, your Christmas wish warmed my heart! If you’re looking for a new way to enjoy Christmas, tell your family this Christmas joke from Juliette Earley ‘23: “People act like the North Pole and the South Pole are exactly the same, but really, there’s a whole world of difference between them.”
Merry Christmas, Montrose family!
Anna Sheehan ‘21, Faith Editor