Senior Tribute: Amaia O’Brien
Amaia O’Brien poses for senior pictures.
Amaia, how do I sum up Amaia? One could say: “chaotic and short with a vast collection of high heels” or “a loving friend who can sing her heart out.” But for me, Amaia reminds me of a nice warm slice of banana cream pie (that’s another story for another time. That time… will never come, sorry.)
Amaia’s love for music is undeniable. When asked about her passion for music, Amaia said: “My love for music has never faltered over the years. Music has been and will always be an essential part of my life, an essential part of who I am. When you love and dedicate your entire childhood to cultivating certain artistry, it becomes part of your identity; music has become part of my identity.”

She expanded on the impact of the subliminal feeling of music by saying: “The whole process of learning and performing a piece is quite interesting and weird. I’ve been using this technique since I was 4 when I first started playing the violin. First, I listen to the piece, and then I play through it; before I play through it a second time, I create some sort of storyline to help me visualize what I am playing. Most of the time, I make these stories personal, allowing me to translate my emotions into my playing. It’s difficult to explain, but this enables me to quite literally feel the music coursing through my veins, becoming so entranced that everything around me disappears. I love that I am so emotionally attached to this skill I’ve acquired, and it can never be taken away from me…Playing in an orchestra and performing on Jordan Stage, knowing you are part of something greater than yourself is gratifying. After playing and performing in many different orchestras, being proud and having that sense of accomplishment is a feeling one never forgets. ” Music has no doubt played a large part in her life.
Amaia’s musical background bled into her life at Montrose. As a middle schooler, she founded the Clefhangers. In her freshman year, she joined the Montrose Treblemakers, the upper school a capella group. Amaia fearlessly (kind of) led the Montrose Treblemakers this year. When asked about her favorite part of Treblemakers, she explained: “When I think about Montrose, we’re one big family, right? Then all these clubs and activities you can participate in and branch off into the more ‘immediate families’ but all from the overarching family. Treblemakers are one of those branches, and my favorite part about participating in a club like this is that we are a family. I love singing, but I love singing even more when I get to share it with a talented group of girls with whom I’ve formed close relationships.” As members of the Treblemakers, we both began to tear up when she told us this (not really, but we’re adding this for dramatic effect.)
Amaia and her chaotic episodes of running around in panic and confusion will be missed as she departs from Montrose, but Fairfield will definitely be blessed as she joins their school in the upcoming school year. Amaia, from the Treblemakers and, more broadly, from the Montrose community, we will dearly miss you and we won’t forget you (at least until we also leave Montrose.) And to future and current Treblemakers, Amaia leaves with this parting piece of advice: “practice, practice, practice!!!”
by Abbie Lindblad ’24, Managing Copy Editor