Where did most Mavericks originate from? Out of 69 students, 28 (40.6%) went to public school, 11 (15.9%) went to Saint Benedicts, 6 (8.7%) Saint Joe’s, and about 5 students from Blessed Sacrament and Mount Alvernia. 1 or 2 students came from homeschool, St. Catherine’s, St. John’s, Ursuline, Newton Country Day, St. Agatha’s, Park Street, and many more. Montrose has a wide mix of students from all sorts of different schools. Public schools, however, were colllectively most common. I took a survey seeing how many students were from Medfield, and most were really from other towns. 77.1%, or 27 students, were from other schools, as you can see in the chart.
22.9%, or 8 students, were from the Medfield schools. This shows that most Mavericks from public aren’t actually from Medfield. We come from all sorts of places. And we come at different times. For 19 people, or 27.5%, this is their first year at Montrose. Including me. Montrose really stands out when I look at my history of education. I went to Saint Joe’s, and the difference is real. Montrose has a kind, supporting faculty/staff with kind, supportive students. Montrose really is something wonderful. No matter what school or town you came from, this is true.
By Catherine Keane ‘31, Staff Writer