A gray veil
Hung over the world
Drooped solemnly
Tinting the light
Sitting there
Under that melancholic mask
I was
And unsure
My thoughts disarranged
And sight blurred
Indescribably wonderfully
A candle was lit
Oh yes, a candle was lit
Quietly flickering
But by all means sublime
In the greatest sense
Tearing away
The gray veil
Blinding my vision
That candle
My candle
Flickering silently
Like the beat of a heart
Gave me clarity
Gave me light
Gave me faith, hope, love
Returned my sight
A word eludes me
A feeling like no other
Lovelier than-
It was joy
Yes, joy
My flickering candle is joy
Connection to a something greater
A greater love
Through my dried tears
I knew I could
Be joyful
Be truly joyful
Like never before
The choice was there
I could replace the gray veil
Smothering the candle
Or I
Could be joyful
And nurture it
The love
The joy
Were too lovely to be rejected
And yes, I kept my candle lit
That it may one day
Light another
By Elisabeth Smith ’28, Middle School editor