Help Our Montrose Team Get Ready for Serving in the Dominican Republic!

Over April vacation, a team of students will be traveling with Mustard Seed Communities to Cangrejo, Dominican Republic. We will work with abandoned and disabled children, the majority of whom will never have the chance to see the world beyond the gates of their orphanage, Hogar Immanuel. We want to bring the world and our faith to them, by spending time with the children and working to improve their living environment. This will be an eye-opening experience for all of us, and we cannot wait to share everything with you!
We have all worked exceedingly hard to prepare for the mission trip, but we need your help! Before we leave for the Dominican, we will be holding a school wide donation drive. We need your help to bring in specific items that we will donate to the orphanage. Below is an assigned list of items we need:
- Diapers (faculty)
- Lotion (12 grade)
- Baby oil and baby powder (11th grade)
- Shampoo/Conditioner (10th grade)
- Baby wipes (9th grade)
- Hair accessories (children’s) (8th grade)
- Toothpaste (7th grade)
- Hand sanitizer (6th grade)
There will be a bin in the foyer for your items! Once we have collected all the items we need, the team will have a packing party to organize everything and to make sure we have everything we need.
Along with the school-wide donations, we will be holding a NUT (No Uniform Today) day on March 9th. We will be selling NUT passes for $5 during upper and middle school lunches until March 8th! All of the funds raised will help support the children in the orphanage.
We, and the children at Hogar Immanuel, greatly appreciate your generous help! Thank you!