P.E. Curriculum

Erika Torok ’22

The 8th grade playing handball during P.E.

A ‘sports based curriculum’ at Montrose is a curriculum where I introduce the girls in P.E. class to all the sports offered at Montrose,” P.E. teacher Mrs. Bettinelli explained. In 6th to 8th grade, all students participate in the P.E sports based curriculum, and in 9th grade you have a “Fitness of Life” unit in addition to playing competitive games for each of the different sports. In the class, you are first introduced to the rules and simple ways to play the sport. As time goes on, you eventually begin to play more games and practice with other students. Throughout the year, the class cycles through the different sports that Montrose has to offer, starting with soccer and ending with lacrosse. It’s a chance to learn new sports that you may have never thought of playing. In fact, some students decided to join Montrose’s teams because of their introduction to it in P.E. Even if they are not looking to join a team, many students really enjoy the curriculum. 

Carolina Florez ‘26 said: “I like the P.E. curriculum because if we focus on many different sports for a concentrated amount of time for each of them, we can learn more about all kinds of sports and get better at each one.” In the fall, you’ll see students kicking around a soccer ball, but when spring comes around, Mrs. Bettnelli’s classes can be seen taking up a field hockey or lacrosse stick. The year is divided into different sports based on when the actual teams play. Many students agree with Carolina, enjoying the classes that are dedicated to different sports and the atmosphere created by fellow students only allows people to further enjoy participating in P.E. “Everyone is always so supportive whether you do well or not,” said Bea White ‘27. The sports-based curriculum is made so that each student can enjoy a more active moment in the school day with their friends along with being introduced to different sports that they may have never thought of playing. 

However, this way of teaching P.E. isn’t for everyone. Understandably, some students don’t completely like the structure of the class. Maria Silveyra ‘26 said: “I like that we play soccer, but I don’t like any of the other sports. I wish we could just play dodge ball or games like that.” While some people truly do enjoy playing every sport and having a chance to participate in each one, others do have sports that they dislike. Having to learn and then play a sport that you don’t enjoy sometimes brings down the excitement of going to P.E. 

Others feel that as the years progress, focusing on the basics of the games becomes a bit redundant. “I feel like we often review skills everyone has already learned,” said Mia Cahill Farella ‘27. Since everyone comes from different places with different experiences, not everyone has the same skill level in the same sport. People who play a sport competitively may have a hard time understanding the rest of the class’ need to review the basics of the sport. Depending on a student’s understanding and experience they have with a sport, some need the review while others may feel it unnecessary. 

Mrs. Bettinelli said: “The idea is to expose the girls to a variety of sports which may show a student how much they enjoy a sport they have never tried, help others learn the sport they love, and most importantly, be familiar with sports that others may play.” The sports-based curriculum isn’t just about being able to experience every sport Montrose has to offer, but being able to understand others and other sports to an extent. This idea is reflected in how habits of mind, heart, and character are incorporated into the class. 

P.E. with Mrs. Bettinelli goes beyond getting out energy. It’s a time to learn more about yourself and others through sports and common views you may share through them. Sometimes, students become too focused on the sports aspect of P.E. which although part of the base of the class, isn’t the entire meaning. The virtues taught and obtained through the curriculum are far more important than winning a game of soccer against your friends. This is the real reason for the sports-based P.E. curriculum at Montrose.


By Sophie Farr ‘25, News Editor
