Out with the old, in with the new – that can be true for lunch tables, right? But what lunch tables really benefit Montrose? According to a poll of 57 responses, 73.7% of the student body prefers the long, rectangular tables from last year, and for good reasons.
The first point argued largely was that the fact the tables from last year were more inclusive, especially given the fact that the old tables had benches instead of chairs. The benches made it feel as though there was no designated seating, no set number of people who could fit at a table. One response from my survey argues this point: “With the rectangle tables, everyone was sitting together as a grade. You could talk to the people next to you, across from you, and diagonally from you. Circle tables restrict who you can interact with and result in people being separated by ‘friend groups’ or sitting alone if they don’t have one.” Since there is a limited number of chairs at a table now, girls feel they can only interact with whoever is at the table. I, myself, have found that I hurry to the lunchroom much faster this year because I’m worried the tables will fill, and I won’t be able to sit with my friends. Another student admitted that she opts to sit outside with her friends because there is plenty of space to fit everyone. I agree; this works great in the warmer months, but what do we do in the winter? Clearly, having a set number of chairs at a table discourages a lot of students.
Another key reason the tables from last year were well-liked was the fact that they were easier to clean. While this may have something to do with the lunchroom space itself, quite a few students feel that maneuvering between the many circle tables this year is much harder than cleaning the tables from last year. The rectangular tables from last year attached seating; the new chairs this year need to be moved and rearranged to sweep. There were also only one or two tables per grade, which made the choice of where to sit more limited, but an easier decision. Students also felt this setup provided more room to roam around and chat with people farther away.
A final argument made in defense of last year’s tables is that anyone and almost everyone could sit together. I know this sounds a lot like the first reason, but this one is a little different. Yes, the tables from last year were more inclusive, but it was also a place where the whole grade could come together. It’s actually the place where I learned to be friends with a few girls who hadn’t interacted with me before. Now, we are all close friends because we were free to call down the table and converse with one another. These tables also encouraged civic friendship, which is when one is on friendly terms with one another but not necessarily best friends. I think the tables from last year definitely helped foster civic friendships since everyone was sitting together – not just a small group of you and a few other girls all facing each other. No one was trying to claim a seat for themselves or sitting alone feeling awkward. One girl in my survey echoed my thoughts on this: “Last year’s table arrangements were better because everyone could sit together, and there was a lot more unity within the grades.” Last year, there were only subtle ways to separate classmates into “groups.” Add that to the fact that nearly a whole grade could fit at one table, the tables from last year created a more welcoming and inclusive environment.
In the end, the tables from last year were more inclusive, easier to fulfill stewardship duties and promote unity among grades. I decided it was important to argue on behalf of the tables from last year because of all the responses I received. Over 40 girls liked those tables and had very descriptive reasons as to why they felt that way. I found myself empathizing with a lot of these girls, especially with the ones who share my fear of being left out or not having a comfortable place to sit. Thank you so much for reading, and to quote one of my favorite survey comments, “BRING BACK THE LONG TABLES!”
By Caroline McRoskey ‘29, Staff Writer