Gratitude for Coach Karen

Coach Karen Stamatakos has led the Montrose Varsity Soccer team to four IGC Division 1 titles the past 5 years. Her passion, enthusiasm and overall love for soccer continues to inspire her players each and everyday. I have had the pleasure of having her as my coach for the past 5 years on the Varsity Soccer team, and she has impacted me in immense ways. Not only has she been a fantastic coach, but also a mentor and friend. Each and every practice she succeeds in balancing work and fun within our drills. No matter how bad of a day one is having she never fails to bring a smile to her players’ faces. Throughout my years with Coach Karen she has not only made me a better soccer player, but also a better person. She has taught me to always be compassionate and positive through good times and bad. Coach Karen will truly be missed, but we wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.