Thank You Seniors: Jenn Uche
Jenn Uche, the beloved leader of the Walrus Creative Writing Club and an editor of the newspaper, presents at a life compass talk.
J ust the right person to brighten your day
E ncourages us to write poems, stories, and plays
N ever disappoints, she always cares
N ewspaper Editor Extraordinaire
Ever since she set foot on the Montrose campus, Jenn has graced us with her authentic friendliness and humble genius. Whether it is in a speech and debate tournament, the fall play, or an athletic event, Jenn gives her all as well as inspiring others to do the same. However, her leadership in revamping our creative writing club, as well as her contribution to the Looking Glass especially stands out.
When Jenn first came to Montrose for her freshman year of high school, she noted that Montrose’s small community provided unique opportunities for students to explore their interests. She did not, however, see a creative writing club. So she decided to revive it. She called it the Walrus Creative Writing Club, as an ode to the walrus in the story Alice Through the Looking Glass, the inspiration behind this very newspaper. Although she was a high schooler, Jenn really wanted middle school students to join because she started writing in middle school and she wanted to encourage younger students to write as well. But Jenn certainly didn’t limit her writing to the club. She gave the Walrus its own section in the Looking Glass, so writers could share their work with the Montrose community. Jenn has been a committed and enthusiastic club leader and editor, and we are beyond thankful for all her hard work (and candy!)
Jenn is also a fiery presence in the classroom. She loves the way her different classes connect through themes like resilience, faith, and courage. She loved reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin in AP Lang and Man’s Search for Meaning in Metaphysics at the same time because the themes connected really well. She is also super excited for college! Jenn can’t wait for the freedom and awesome opportunities that college in Chicago has to offer. She is sad to go, but she assured us she would visit often!

Jenn not only shines in the classroom, but she also rises to the occasion outside of school. Jenn created Project Lux, a website and podcast to build community through art and advocacy, with writing at its core. Jenn wrote, produced, and recorded a fictional podcast to educate her peers on issues facing society, including discrimination and justice reform. Jenn was one of only 100 out of 50,000 applicants to win the Rise for the World Initiative created by one of Google’s founders. She and four other finalists were featured on “Good Morning America” to talk about their projects. Jenn goes above and beyond in everything she does, and to have her work recognized was inspirational for many people.
When asked for parting words of wisdom, Jenn did not disappoint. I was wowed by her prompt but wise advice. She encouraged students to use Montrose as their safety net. She said Montrose is unique in its small, low-key community and we should take advantage of that. She compared taking chances to an acrobat performing tricks. She said it might look dumb, but it also might look cool. Montrose is your chance to take a chance and be courageous where you know you have friends and teachers to support you. Jenn told us to take advantage of all the opportunities, whether it is forming a new club or telling a joke in class. “Don’t hold back on anything,” she said.
Jenn has certainly used her time at Montrose to propel her to incredible heights. She will be greatly missed, but we are so excited to see what else she will do. The University of Chicago is blessed to gain a student like her! With love,
The Looking Glass
Q: What inspired you to revive the creative writing club?
A: I wanted more time to write creative fun stories instead of research papers. I wanted to integrate fictional writing into school, and I started writing in middle school so I wanted to inspire other young writers to keep writing.
Q: What is your favorite thing about Montrose?
A: I love how all the classes integrate together, like how in AP Lang we would be reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin, which is a book about the themes of resilience and perseverance and staying true to your faith, while also reading Man’s Search for Meaning in Metaphysics which relates to the courage and strength and faith of the Jews in the concentration camp.
Q: What are you going to miss most about Montrose:
A: I am definitely going to miss the people the most, all my amazing friends and teachers. I will definitely visit though!
Q: What are you most excited about for college?
A: The freedom and the big campus. Also the amazing opportunities in Chicago and the new experiences there.
Q: What did you learn at Montrose that had the biggest impact on you?
A: Don’t be afraid to sound dumb or ask stupid questions. Just have fun and be yourself and take chances.
Q: Do you have any parting words of wisdom?
A: Use Montrose as your safety net. Think of it like an acrobat doing all these tricks; you might look dumb or it might look really cool. So take advantage of all the opportunities, whether it be starting a new club or making a joke in class. Don’t hold back anything. It’s hard to find a chill, small, low-key community like Montrose so take whatever chance you get.
Elizabeth Barrett ‘23 and Isabela Pap 24’, Creative Writing Editors